Small glimpses into my life with odd, but fun, children.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Dookie! Dookie!

Today I left open on my computer. While I was busy doing chores, my son got on the computer and started playing with the "game" where you request gifts from Santa. I guess I should have been a bit more aware of what was going on, because now I have a 4 yr old running around the house saying "Dookie! Dookie!" and "The ability to say penis without laughing. PENIS! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

I told my son that if we leave the house, he can't go around saying "penis" to everyone, because some people don't like that. With no pause at all, he looked at me with innocent eyes, and said, "But, Mommy, I HAVE a penis, LOOK! There's nothing wrong with it!"

I am doomed if we leave the house any time in the next week.