That's My Kid!

Small glimpses into my life with odd, but fun, children.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

9 yr old comes into the room, completely ignoring me, and walks over to his cat... "Zach, I have to share something important with you. Can you handle that kind of commitment, and take on some of my burden? Yes? Good." 9 yr old farts on his cat "Do you smell that, Zach? That's the smell of shame, and I just gave all of my shame to you. I no longer feel any shame because you took it all into your lungs. I hope you're prepared for more later."

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Coffee... kids... same thing.

I started a pot of coffee while my 9 year old was sleeping on the couch. Once the smell of the coffee reached where he was, he sat straight up, looking worried... Him: What are you cooking? Me: Just coffee. Him: Oh, thank god... I thought it smelled like children! He went back to sleep immediately.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Stretchy is beautiful!

My 14 yr old just now:

"I like when the dog's stomach skin is all stretched and wrinkled... kind of like yours! Yours is just like that, Mommy!"

Me: Thanks?

Her: I meant I like it! It's beautiful! It's beautiful being all wrinkled and squishy, and not like a model at all!

Me: Um... thanks again?

Her: I mean it! I don't want you to look perfect! I want you to look like you do! I love your stomach's stretchy squishiness!

Me: I understand where you're coming from, but please... I don't need any more admiration today.

Friday, May 13, 2011

This sounds familiar...

13 yr old: "They should have an alphabet that just uses hand signs."

me: "They do. It's called sign language."

What a bunch of baloney...

My 13 yr old and I were discussing having a picnic lunch in the wildlife sanctuary near our house, and figuring out what kind of sandwich fixings to buy from the store...

13 yr old: "Can we buy real bologna from the store?"

me: "Sure, but I don't know what you mean."

13 yr old: "You always buy the fake kind... the Bow Log Nuh one... I want to spend the extra money to buy real baloney this time."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sweet little thing...

Sometimes my kids just amaze me, and aren't always insane goof balls.

Yesterday Z saved some graham crackers from his school lunch, so he could have a snack after school. He has always been a friendly kid, so he got into a conversation with a homeless man by the grocery store. To make small talk, the man commented on Z's stack of graham crackers, and, without hesitation, Z gave him some. Together they shared more conversation, and a little snack.

I don't have to wait for Z to grow up to be something great. I think he's great already.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Cheap AND Efficient, You Say?

Are you tired of the expense and inefficiency of peeling an orange? Well FEAR NOT! My 9 year old just told me, "I invented a cheap AND efficient way to peel oranges!"

Now, if only I can figure out how to use her method, which involves cutting a hole through the center of the orange, sticking a metal tube through it, and waving the skewered orange around in the air saying, "LOOK AT THE ORANGE, DOGGY!"