Small glimpses into my life with odd, but fun, children.

Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Vampire Butterfly

I should state ahead of time that my 4 yr old daughter is the more logical of the two kids in this story, and very matter of fact with how she deals with life in general, and my 7 yr old is a total paranormal freak/conspiracy theorist.

My 7 year started a collection of dead bugs about a week ago, mostly by finding dead bugs in our yard, or on walks, and keeping them in a
little container to look at later. Yesterday we were walking home from the library, and came across a dying "painted lady" butterfly, so my 7 year old decided to bring it home to add to her collection once it "passed on" (her words). By the time we made it home, the butterfly was no longer moving, so she put it in the container with the rest of her collection, despite me telling her that it might not be dead yet, which got me looked at like I had no idea what I was talking about.

After lunch the kids decided they wanted to look at the dead bugs, so the 7 yr old carefully opened her collection box, which startled the still nearly dead butterfly, and it moved some....

7 yr old: *SCREAMS* It's a vampire butterfly!!!

4 yr old: are you sure it's not just alive?

7 yr old: Don't you UNDERSTAND??? it DIED! now it MOVED - IT'S THE UNDEAD!!!!

4 yr old: Like a zombie?

7 yr old: Yeah, zombies are undead too, but this is a VAMPIRE BUTTERFLY!!!!

4 yr old: Are you SURE it's a vampire?

7 yr old: YES!! it MOVED!! It's UNDEAD!!!

At this point the 4 yr old took the situation into her own hands, calmly walked into the kitchen, got a butter knife, and killed the butterfly.

7 yr old (now more freaked out by her sister than the former vampire butterfly): MOMMMMMEEEEEE! SHE KILLED MY BUTTERFLY!!!

4 yr old: but you TOLD ME it was a vampire and they have to be killed!


Fast forward to today, and my 7 yr old is refusing to get rid of the now definitely dead vampire butterfly in her collection until her sister makes an apology to the butterfly's spirit, so that it won't haunt our house. I have no idea where the older child gets this stuff, but the 4 yr old is getting a bit annoyed with it.

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