Small glimpses into my life with odd, but fun, children.

Monday, October 13, 2008


My two youngest kids have problems making the "th" sound.

5 yr old and 7 yr old are looking through a magazine together...

5 yr old: Wow, I want that sing!

7 yr old (looking smug with herself): Sing? It doesn't sing.

5 yr old (a bit irritated): Not sing, SING. SSSSSSSSSing... like I want to buy somesing from da store. I want dat sing dere.

7 yr old: Silly, it's not said "Sing", it's a FING. vat fing looks like a neat toy. I want to buy somefing from the store. FFFFFFFFFFFFFing.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Every time a fly screams, an ant gets its wings

I'm not sure how I forgot to post this, but luckily I remembered about it today...

Recently my 5 yr old and I were walking down the street and he saw some flying ants, which resulted in me being told the following "fact."

5 yr old: I know where ants get their wings from

me: Where?

5 yr old: When ants want to get some wings, they kill a fly, cut off their wings, and then tie the wings onto their own backs, then move their bodies to make the wings flap.