Small glimpses into my life with odd, but fun, children.

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

You Didn't SEE Me!

Ah, the fun of trying not to laugh at kids...

I told my 4 yr old that if she ate all of her lunch (half of a turkey pot pie), she could have a piece of Halloween candy. She was excited about the idea, but after a bite or two she gave up eating to watch me clean the house, and to sit on my lap while I played a computer game. Around 2 PM she climbed off my lap and quietly walked into the kitchen. Her departure was followed by the following sounds: scraping, a bag rustling, and a dish being put in the sink. About 10 seconds later, she appeared at my side, with a huge smile on her face...

4 yr old: There! I finished my lunch and you said I could have some candy!

Me: Yeah... you scraped your bowl into the garbage, and you are trying to trick me.

4 yr old: *shocked look* You didn't SEE me, so how do you know?

Me: so you didn't do that?

4 yr old: *deer in headlights look* I wouldn't! You didn't SEE me!

Me: Alright, then I'm going to walk in there and SEE

4 yr old: No! You can't! It won't be right! Don't do that!

I walked into the kitchen and she grabbed the garbage bag then showed it to me - on the top of the bag was what appeared to be half of a turkey pot pie...

4 yr old: I should have told you, my brother threw HIS away!

Me: Your brother didn't get any.

4 yr old: Oh, you just didn't KNOW he got some!

Me: Nice try, but you still don't get any candy.

Kids and their "celebrities"

Unless you've ever stayed up late on a Saturday night watching television in Reno, Nevada, you've probably never heard of Zomboo (pronounced Zombo). Zomboo is the very strange, and surprisingly popular, host of a local cheesy horror movie show that starts at 11:35 on most Saturday nights. My 7 yr old daughter is always trying to stay up to watch him, but almost never succeeds. Sunday we took our kids to Reno's "Safe Trick or Treat", and Zomboo was there, so our girls got to meet him... we heard about almost nothing else from our 7 yr old for the rest of the night, and she's been excitedly telling everyone she knows since then.